I'm a postdoc researcher at Ontology Engineering Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. I'm graduated in Computer Science (2009) and finished my Master in Artificial Intelligence (2010) at UPM as well. In 2016 I have obtained a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence with my thesis “Ontology Evaluation: a pitfall-based approach to ontology diagnosis”. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the online application OOPS! – OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner! which evaluates OWL ontologies..
My research activities are focused on Ontological Engineering and Semantic Web. More precisely, I am interested in the areas of Knowledge Modelling (including conceptualization, formalization and implementation), Ontology Evaluation, and Ontology Design Patterns. Also, I am currently working in Linked Data modelling, generation and exploitation.
Office 3204 - Ontology Engineering Group , Department of Artificial Intelligence, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politénica de Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 913363670
Fax: +34 913524819
E-mail: mpoveda@fi.upm.es
I have participated in the following projects.
I have developed OOPS! – OntOlogy Pitfalls Scanner!, an on-line tool to validate ontologies. It scanns the ontologies looking for pitfalls that could lead to design problems.
Ontology-wise I have been involved in the development of the following ontologies:
I have also participaed in the development of the following sites and applications: